HR 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009

The House just voted (219-212) to approve climate legislation, HR 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, and we have some good news to report. The bill that passed does include significant new opportunities for family forest owners to participate in energy and carbon markets-a goal we have been working on for nearly two years.
Thank you for all your calls and letters over the past few weeks! The improvements we won for family forest owners would not be in the bill at all if you, as constituents, hadn't been actively involved. Also important to this success was AFF's leadership in convening and driving the Forest Climate Working Group, a diverse coalition of forest stakeholders that worked together on behalf of private forests. Members of Congress took notice and we had impact as a result.
The specific improvements to HR 2454, which we together won on behalf of family forest owners, will:
  • Guarantee that forest offset market opportunities will be created for family forest owners, including working forest management projects (this wasn't so clear a few days ago).
  • Ensure USDA has the lead role in implementing the offset markets for forests (this wasn't the case just a few days ago.).
  • Ensure "early actors," family forest owners who have already taken steps to manage their properties responsibly, will be rewarded for their carbon-positive activities.
  • Allow all biomass from family forests to be used to meet the Renewable Electricity and Renewable Fuels Standards, fixing the flawed definition in the original Waxman-Markey bill and the 2007 Energy bill, while maintaining protections for sustainable forest management.
  • Allow a range of green building standards, including those that allow the use of wood from American Tree Farm System® certified forests.
In addition to the improvements in the carbon offset market provisions, the bill includes incentives for agricultural activities that sequester and store carbon. These types of incentives are important for landowners who might not otherwise be able to participate in offset markets due to the smaller size of their land. We continue to work to ensure that family forest owners gain access to incentives and other opportunities in the legislation. Our Congressional champions, Pingree (D-ME), Shuler (D-NC), Michaud (D-ME), Schrader (D-OR), Hodes (D-NH), and Shea-Porter (D-NH) should be thanked for their continued work to secure a place for forest incentives in this bill.
While tremendous progress has been made, our work is far from over. Now the bill will be considered in the Senate, starting with the Environment and Public Works Committee.
Please thank our champions over the July 4th recess (starts now and continues through July 6th) for their hard work and begin communicating with your Senators about the importance of including family forest owners in the carbon and energy markets and incentives. Without family forest owners, the nation will have a very hard time meeting both our climate and energy goals. For more information click here.
Thank you again for all your support. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or would like further details.
Together we are getting family forests on the policy map, highlighting the role of forests in a healthy economy and healthy communities.
Rita Neznek
Vice President, Public Affairs
American Forest Foundation

Update on House Energy/Climate Bill

This morning, the American Clean Energy & Security Act will be considered on the House floor. The Rule for the bill, if adopted, adds an amendment from Rep. Waxman making further changes in the bill. The Waxman changes include the amendment from Rep. Peterson (attached). In particular, the language that AF&PA and others had proposed regarding the phrase “residues or byproducts from wood, pulp, or paper products facilities” was added to the Waxman changes last night. This phrase is now included in the definition of biomass for the RES, the RFS, and the cap-trade program. The relevant portion of the Waxman changes are attached.

Everyone’s communications with key House Democratic offices was very helpful in accomplishing this critical change in the bill. In particular, Reps. Michaud, Baird, and Schrader were key in accomplishing the change. If you have a relationship with these three members please contact them today to thank them for their assistance.


Government Affairs

1111 19th Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, D.C. 20036

(202) 463-2700

The Obama Administration Proposes Scaled-Down 18-Month Highway Reauthorization

On June 17, U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood asked congress to postpone action on a large-scale, five-year Highway Reauthorization Bill for the period beginning this October 1 and instead present an interim 18-month spending bill, to help infrastructure projects to get through an anticipated budget gap, and implying postponement of the more substantive or strategic decisions in transportation investment. The proposal appears to recommend something less than a full-scale reauthorization and something more than a stop-gap “interim resolution,” although it seems closer to the latter.

As Secretary LaHood puts it: “The first step is making sure that the Highway Trust Fund is solvent. The next step is addressing our transportation priorities over the long term.” The general inference is that the Secretary expects this 18-month spending bill to draw down general revenues to continue funding current or scheduled projects at existing levels and to postpone any discussion of fuel tax increases or new user-based revenue measures.

The leadership of the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee and its Highways & Transit Subcommittee vigorously protested this suggestion. On June 18, T&I Chairman Rep. Jim Oberstar (D-Minnesota) stated that delay was “unacceptable,” in that it would cast uncertainty on meaningful infrastruture reform, cause states to hold back on new projects, and-in the context of economic stimulus-would cost jobs.

Where does this conflict between the Democratic Administration and the Democratic-led Congress leave the prospects for action on gross vehicle weight reform, or specifically on The Safe and Efficient Transportation Act of 2009 (HR 1799)? On the one hand:

  • It signals a political assessment that transportation infrastructure is not a priority (compared to health care reform or broad “economic stimulus”).
  • It deflates pressure to implement creative new solutions to address the crisis in infrastructure maintenance and funding-such as those contained in HR 1799.
  • On the other hand, the Administration’s suggestion seems to reflect its desire to tone down any additional or controversial spending programs. If so:
  • The proposal plays to HR 1799’s strongest points: HR 1799 does not cost the Treasury anything.

What To Do?

Please continue to make constituent contacts with your member of Congress, urging him or her to sign on as a co-sponsor of HR 1799. Use the electronic action call module for HR 1799 at to contact your own member of congress. The module presents a customizable e-mail urging cosponsorship of HR 1799. Click the “Take Action” link, select “Ask Congress to Support Safe and Efficient Transportation Act, HR 1799,” register at your home address, and take your views to the Hill! Increasing the number of co-sponsors is crucial in building momentum to support HR 1799.

Alternatively, phone the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121, and ask to be connected to your Representative’s office. Be sure to have your talking points ready!

If you need more background, please consult the resources at <>.

HR 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009.

Now, more than ever, we need your help. Our champions have introduced amendments to the climate bill, to address our concerns. If these amendments are not approved, family forest owners will have a VERY difficult time accessing these new and emerging carbon and energy markets created by the climate bill.
We need your help to get these amendments passed on the House floor.
Please CALL your Representatives in the House and ask them to support the amendments outlined below to the climate bill, HR 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009. For contact information click here.
Please urge your Representatives to:
Vote YES on the PETERSON Agriculture Amendment: this amendment is critical to ensuring family forest owners can participate in both energy and carbon markets!
Talking points:
  • guarantees that forest offset market opportunities will be created for family forest owners, including working forest management projects.
  • ensures USDA will have a strong role in the implementation of the offset markets for forests.
  • ensures "early actors" will be rewarded for their good activity.
  • allows all biomass from family forests to be used to meet the Renewable Electricity and Renewable Fuels Standards, fixing the flawed definition in the original Waxman-Markey bill and the 2007 Energy bill, while still ensuring a backstop, to address forest sustainability concerns.
Vote YES on the PINGREE Forest Carbon Incentives Amendment: this amendment creates an incentives program to reward family forest owners who undertake "carbon friendly" activities. The amendment is very similar to the bill HR 2880, introduced last week by Reps Pingree (D-ME), Shuler (D-NC), Schrader (D-OR), Hodes (D-NH), and Michaud (D-ME). For talking points click here .
Please CALL your Representatives in the House. At this point, calls are the most effective tool. Simply ask to speak with the staff handling the climate legislation.
Please report positive responses to us-so we can determine the vote count.
For an overview of AFF's position on HR 2454 click here.
Thanks for your continued help.
Rita Neznek
Vice President, Public Affairs
American Forest Foundation

2008 SFI Progress Report

2008 SFI progress report, Sustainable Forestry Initiative: Growing Stronger Together is now available online at

While the numbers show impressive growth, what impresses me most is the hard work and dedication behind them. Together, we are making sustainable forest management and responsible fiber procurement more acceptable and more accessible – and that’s good news for the world’s forests.

I also want to thank members of the SFI External Review Panel for their help in preparing this document, and for their continued guidance through the standard review process.

There is tremendous value through our work together – whether it is volunteering time or resources to build a Habitat for Humanity house, investing in forest research, or taking the time to help customers understand the importance of forest certification and the value of sourcing responsibly.

This helps explain why the SFI program is among the largest and most widely accepted forest certification programs in the world. At a time when there is increased sensitivity to environmental claims, we are earning trust through our actions and by making sure our labels and claims conform with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, the Competition Bureau of Canada and ISO 14020’s nine principles for Environmental Labeling designed to promote accurate, verifiable and relevant environmental declarations and claims.

As long as we remain true to our principal goal of promoting responsible forest management, we will continue to grow stronger together. More buyers will look to SFI-certified products as a sound environmental choice, and more consumers will look for our label in stores.

The 2008 progress report is posted on the SFI website at and copies by can ordered by emailing


Kathy Abusow
President & CEO
Sustainable Forestry Initiative, Inc.

Sustainable forests at the root of achieving Bay's restoration

from the Bay Journal ~ June 2009

Forum / By Gary Allen

Maryland gained forefront status in the Bay watershed on May 7 with the signing into law of Senate Bill 549-the Sustainable Forestry Act of 2009-sponsored by Sen. Roy Dyson.

This act is designed to realize one goal-the retention of privately owned forest lands within Maryland consistent with and responsive to the 2007 Forestry Conservation Initiative signed by the Chesapeake Bay Executive Council in December 2007.

In short, the cure for the ills plaguing our coveted Chesapeake Bay can be found in our trees. Maryland clearly recognizes this with its enactment of the Sustainable Forestry Act. It is a historic act that should serve as a model not only within the Bay watershed, but from a national perspective as well.

As noted by Maryland's state forester, Steve Koehn, on Feb. 24 before the Senate Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee: "The eyes of the nation's forest community are focused on Maryland. What you [as lawmakers] do on this bill will resonate throughout the country...hopefully, you will pass the bill." With less than six hours remaining in the 2009 session, the amended Senate bill cleared the House of Delegates with no changes.

A key argument for moving the bill emanated from the Chesapeake Bay Council's Directive No. 06-1, "Protecting the Forests of the Chesapeake Watershed," on Sept. 22, 2006 which reads:

"Retaining and expanding forests in the Chesapeake Bay watershed is critical to our success in restoring the Chesapeake Bay. Forests are the most beneficial land use for protecting water quality, due to their ability to capture, filter and retain water, as well as absorb pollution from the air...a reduction in forest area leads to a disproportionate increase in nitrogen loads to our waterways."

On Dec. 5, 2007, the Chesapeake Bay Council issued a "Call to Action" by building on its earlier decision to underscore the importance of promoting sustainable forestry within the Chesapeake Bay watershed, stating:

"Chesapeake forests prevent millions of pounds of nitrogen and other pollutants from reaching the Bay each year. While trends vary locally, the watershed has lost 100 acres of forest land per day since the mid-1980s. Every acre of forest converted to other uses means more nutrients entering the Bay, making it more difficult to mitigate development impacts and resulting in additional loss and fragmentation of forest habitat. If this forest loss continues, nitrogen loads alone will increase by 1,300 pounds per day to the Bay. As citizen and governmental agencies work to implement actions to reduce the flow of nutrients and sediment from agriculture, developed lands, and watershed treatment plants, their overall success is threatened by the loss of our watershed's greatest natural filter: its forests. In fact, the public will spend billions of dollars on technological replacements for the services that forests provide naturally for free-such as drinking water filtration, flood control, storm water management, energy and greenhouse gas and air pollution control.

"Retaining and expanding forests across the watershed is a cost-effective strategy for reducing pollution now and maintaining caps on nutrients in the future.

"An investment in sustainable forestry will not only help to address water quality issues but other challenges such as climate change, sprawl and energy independence.

"Therefore, it is our intent to maximize the area of forest by discouraging the conversion of the most valuable forests and giving priority to forests in land conservation programs. Further, we recognize the importance of working forests and will ensure that public policies and market-based incentives help families retain and manage these forests sustainably."

Without a healthy, sustainable forest system, it is an indisputable fact that the Chesapeake will never heal as envisioned by the 1998 Water Quality Improvement Act, the Chesapeake 2000 agreement, the 2007 Forest Conservation Initiative, Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund and the Governor's Climate Change Commission.

Our forests are vanishing because of development pressures attendant to population growth and poorly planned sprawl development. And, because 76 percent of our forests are owned by private landowners, the promotion of sustainable forestry through responsive public policy must motivate and educate these individuals about the importance of and implications affiliated with sound land-use decision making.

So, what does the Sustainable Forestry Act of 2009 actually accomplish?

First, it recognizes the environmental and economic importance of sustainable forestry through a declaration of policy, among other things, to the Bay and rural Maryland consistent with and responsive to the 1998 Water Quality Improvement Act, Chesapeake 2000 agreement, the 2007 Forest Conservation Initiative, and the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays 2010 Trust Fund.

Second, it promotes outreach to forest landowners to develop and implement forest stewardship plans, which set forth land use objectives consistent with the will of the landowner-through the Forest Conservancy District Boards [one in each county]. At present, only one in four forest landowners has adopted such a land use guiding blueprint.

Third, it promotes renewable energy development from woody biomass via the existing 10 percent "green" power goal for the executive branch; long-term power purchase agreements as envisioned by the governor per his remarks made at the Maryland Association of Counties summer convention in Ocean City; and future carbon credit, carbon sequestration and cellulosic ethanol development from a policy-related perspective.

Fourth, it promotes sustainable forestry from a local zoning perspective by encouraging local governments-not mandating local governments-to be more pro-forestry conscious in their decision-making.

Fifth, it addresses the importance of an agro-forestry alliance consistent with and responsive to the findings and recommendations of the Incentives for Agriculture Task Force (Chapter 289 of the Acts of 2006) via its October 2007 Final Report to the Governor and the General Assembly.

In the final analysis, it is imperative that Maryland retain its coveted forests.

This is made especially difficult because 76 percent of Maryland's 2.4 million acres of forested lands are owned by private, non-industrial landowners who can exercise their private property rights to dispose of or manage such lands at will.

Development pressure is real. Compounding this is the realization of Maryland's prevailing fiscal condition, meaning, millions of additional dollars are not available to help conserve the state's vanishing forests through desperately needed financial incentives.

In short, Maryland's forests are truly at risk and the Sustainable Forestry Act of 2009 will help to mitigate this threat through creative strategies today that will produce measurable dividends to the state's "green infrastructure" tomorrow.

Trees are the answer.

Gary G. Allen is chair of the Partnership for Sustainable Forestry, an alliance of forestry, business and conservation organizations whose primary objective is to promote the prudent and sustainable management of Maryland's rural and urban forest resources through advocacy, education, awareness and collaboration.


Tom Tidwell brings 32 Years of Experience Working to Protect Our Nation's Forests

WASHINGTON, June 17, 2009 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that Tom Tidwell will serve as the new Chief for the U.S. Forest Service.

"Tom Tidwell's 32 years of experience in our forests and impressive track record of collaboration and problem-solving will help us tackle the great challenges ahead," said Vilsack.

Tidwell has spent 32 years with the Forest Service in a variety of positions. He began his Forest Service career on the Boise National Forest, and has since worked in eight different national forests, across three regions. He has worked at all levels of the agency in a variety of positions, including District Ranger, Forest Supervisor, and Legislative Affairs Specialist in the Washington Office.

Tidwell's field experience includes working from the rural areas of Nevada and Idaho all the way to the urban forests in California and the Wasatch-Cache National Forest in Utah, where he served as Forest Supervisor during the 2002 Winter Olympics. He also has extensive fire experience, beginning as a firefighter, and accumulating nineteen years as an agency administrator responsible for fire suppression decisions.

"We thank Gail Kimbell for her leadership and deep commitment to protecting our nation's forests," Vilsack added


Rockville, MD - The Forest Resources Association has developed an Improving Log Trucking Profitability Workshop, in the form of a facilitated PowerPoint presentation, directed to loggers and log trucking managers.  The CD-based Workshop reviews ways to ensure a full and legal load and presents tips and techniques for saving fuel, reducing truck tare weight, and deploying trucking assets more effectively.

"A facilitated Workshop also provides a forum for trucking managers and loggers to share ideas of their own about ways to reduce trucking costs or improve net revenue," noted FRA Southwide Region Manager Rick Meyer, who oversaw development of the Workshop. "The Workshop format encourages participants to share knowledge and build on each others' experiences."

FRA President Richard Lewis pointed out that trucking can present a significant barrier to wood supply chain efficiency. "As productivity has increased throughout the harvesting function, we haven't yet taken full advantage of similar opportunities for improvement in forest product transport," he commented. "Moving wood from the landing to the first point of processing accounts for over 30% of the wood's delivered cost. FRA is working through the AgTEC Coalition with the American Loggers Council and others to raise truck weight limits on the Interstate System, but we also need to make efficiency improvements at the operational level."

Designed for a discussion leader with some knowledge of forest products trucking to present in an interactive setting, the 61-slide presentation provides material for a three-hour Workshop. A ten-page Discussion Leader's Guide, to cue the facilitator through the session, is included along with the PowerPoint CD.

FRA members may order the CD and Guide at $50 per set, domestic shipping included; the price is $100 per set for non-members. Please enclose payment with order, checks payable to "FRA"; charge orders may be faxed to 301/838-9481. Direct orders to Forest Resources Association Inc., 600 Jefferson Plaza, Suite 350, Rockville, MD 20852, phone 301-838-9385, and refer to stock number 08-A-1.

The Forest Resources Association Inc. is a nonprofit trade association concerned with the safe, efficient, and sustainable harvest of forest products and their transport from woods to mill. FRA represents wood consumers, independent logging contractors, and wood dealers, as well as businesses providing products and services to the forest resource-based industries.


AF&PA advocacy efforts have resulted in an important victory in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee with the approval of legislation making it possible for the renewable energy produced at forest products facilities to earn renewable energy credits (RECs) that can be sold on an exchange market to utilities that do not meet proposed new minimum requirements for renewable energy generation.

This success occurred last week when the Committee approved an amendment sponsored by Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) removing the distinction between new and existing renewable energy in a Renewable Electricity Standard (RES).

The committee has been working on legislation to create an RES requiring 15 percent of the electricity produced in the country to be from renewable sources—solar, wind, geothermal and biomass—by 2021. Given the impact that an RES will have on energy costs, as well as the importance of making sure the forest products industry’s own renewable power is treated favorably, AF&PA has worked closely with the committee to shape the legislation.

Committee Chairman Jeff Bingaman’s (D-NM) initial proposal was for a 20 percent RES by 2021 but opposition from other members of the committee led to him reducing that level to 15 percent, in addition to making other changes necessary to win support.

AF&PA has also worked closely on the definition of qualifying biomass. The latest version of the bill removes all sustainable forest management criteria from the definition, a substantial change from previous versions and a development that led AF&PA to register our concerns. To help clarify that spent pulping liquor is included in the bill’s definition of biomass, AF&PA proposed report language to the committee which is being considered.

Another noteworthy amendment approved by the committee was sponsored by Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) to encourage the use of biomass for electricity generation from co-generation or combined heat and power (CHP) technology. Initial indications are that industry facilities may benefit from this amendment.

We will continue to advocate for AF&PA’s board-approved policies as the bill soon moves to the Senate floor, particularly to ensure that our renewable power qualifies for RECs, that the definition of biomass allows for our maximum benefit, and that there are sustainable forest management requirements for biomass under an RES.

NASF vice president Steven Koehn testifies on future of nation's forests

Maryland State Forester and NASF Vice President Steven Koehn testified in Washington, DC, this week before the House Ag Subcommittee on Department Operations, Oversight, Nutrition, and Forestry. The object of the hearing was to discuss the future of forestry policy in the United States. "State Foresters believe it is important to reestablish effective programs that maintain and diversify markets even in difficult budget times," said Koehn. "Particularly when forests are being called upon to address national climate and renewable energy priorities." Statements from all witnesses can be viewed here.


June 5, 2009
Climate Change Action continues in the House - Following the House Energy and Commerce Committee passage of HR 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act, the bill was referred to several other House Committees, including the House Agriculture Committee. The Agriculture Committee has scheduled a hearing for Thursday, June 11th at 2pm, and could take further action on the bill within the next two weeks.
Now is the time for family forest owners to speak up, calling on Congress to make improvements to the legislation. Otherwise, there is a risk that family forest owners will be left out of the market and incentive opportunities in the legislation.
Representatives on the House Agriculture Committee are particularly important right now. If your Representative is on the House Agriculture Committee please take the following steps:

1) call them and ask to speak with the staff that handles agriculture issues, and

2) relay key messages detailed here

For an AFF report on the role of family forests in addressing climate change click here

Oregon Family Forest Owner calls on Congress to Address Pressing Challenges -- In testimony before the House Agriculture, Forestry Subcommittee, AFF Board member, Tree Farmer, and member of Oregon Small Woodland Owners Association, Clint Bentz, called on Members of Congress to secure the future of the nation's family forests by addressing pressing challenges like development pressures and invasive species and ensuring access to economic incentives for sustainable management.
To read the testimony Click here .
AFF testifies on Green Building in Pennsylvania - In testimony before the Joint Conservation Committee, AFF certification manager, Victoria Lockhart, pointed out the need for new, emerging green building markets to include renewable wood products from Pennsylvania's vast tracts of family-owned forests. Lockhart raised concerns with existing green building standards like the U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system, that excludes wood grown on American Tree Farm System® certified forests.
To view AFF's testimony click here.
Senate Committee Action on Renewable Electricity Standard - The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee continued action this week on a large draft Energy bill, approving a Renewable Electricity Standard requiring the generation of 15% of the nation's electricity from renewable sources by 2021. The draft legislation defines what forest biomass is considered a "renewable source" of electricity under the Standard. Thanks to the efforts of Senator Lincoln (D-AR), the definition has improved, with overly complicated federal practice requirements removed. However, further improvements are necessary, allow all sustainable forest biomass from family forests. There is no timeline yet for Senate floor action on the bill.

Research Supports Truck Weight Increase

Rockville, MD - The Agricultural Transportation Efficiency Coalition (AgTEC), which supports increasing the overall gross vehicle weight limits for trucks, has analyzed and made available eleven independent studies, affirming the safety and economic benefits of bringing U.S. truck-weight limits closer to Canadian and European standards, and quantifying the relationship between truck weights and road and bridge wear.  Government agencies conducted or endorsed each study.

"AgTEC's proposal to raise gross vehicle weight limits on the Interstate System reflects conclusions the Federal Highway Administration and several state DOTs have reached independently," stated Richard Lewis, President of the Forest Resources Association, an AgTEC member.

AgTEC strongly supports Congressman Mike Michaud's (D-Maine) "Safe and Efficient Transportation Act of 2009" (HR 1799), which would grant states the option of raising the current 80,000-pound gross vehicle weight limit on their Interstate highways to 97,000 pounds, for trucks equipped with a sixth axle, with the assessment of a new dedicated fee to support bridge repair and maintenance.

AgTEC is working to ensure the inclusion of this bill's provisions in the 2009 Highway Reauthorization Bill, which will set federal infrastructure improvement priorities for the coming five years.

AgTEC has archived the eleven studies at , with summaries encapsulizing each study's highlights and relevant conclusions. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's 2008 Large Truck Crash Facts, for instance, documents a steady decline in fatalities associated with collisions involving large trucks over the years, from 4.58 per 100 million vehicle miles traveled in 1975 to 1.94 in 2006.

The Wisconsin Truck Size and Weight Study, which the Wisconsin Department of Transportation published this January, concludes, "Taking into account the total bridge costs and the ability to operate on the Interstate, the most successful new configuration, in terms of net benefits, is the six-axle 98,000 semitrailer, which generates the highest savings in transport costs, safety, and congestion."

"As our country strives to rebuild our manufacturing industries, moving the basic materials that supply them as efficiently as our global competitors do will give that recovery a big boost," commented Lewis. "Independent research supports the experience of other countries that gross vehicle weight reform is both safe and practical."

The Mission of the Agricultural Transportation Efficiency Coalition is to improve the efficiency of transporting raw, unprocessed agricultural and forest products from farms and forests to processing facilities. To learn more about AgTEC, or to join in the campaign, please visit

Who Will be MFA's Next Logger of the Year?

Nominations needed by July 1st.

Eligibility: The award program is open to all independent wood fiber harvesting or logging contractors. Preference will be given to those actively participating in the MD/DE Master Logger Program. (do not need to be a "Master Logger", but need to at least be actively working towards it.)

Judging: The nominations will be judge by members of the MD/DE Master Logger Steering Committee on behalf of the MFA Board of Governors. Finalists judged by on-the-ground inspection visit by a 2 or 3 member team appointed by the Board.

Prizes: Lase engraved wooden plaque, complimentary registration and guest package for finalist (and spouse) at the MFA Annual Meeting, and other awards donated by MFA sponsors. The finalist will also be nominated to either the Forest Resources Association's (FRA's) Appalachian Technical Division or Southeastern Technical Division Outstanding Logger Award Program.

Who can submit a nomination? Anyone! Forest Landowners, foresters, forest products companies and fellow loggers are all encouraged to submit a letter of nomination for any logger they feel exemplifies the best in logging contractors. You do not need to be an MFA member to nominate someone for this award.

Letters of nomination must be received by the MFA Office in Grantsville by July 1, 2009.

Past Recipients:
2008 Norm Nicol ~ Tree Family Logging, Frostburg, MD
  • 2007 R&S Logging, Millington, MD 2006 Sines Logging, Friendsville, MD
  • 2005 Cessna Brothers Logging, Clearville, PA **
  • 2004 Curtis E. Clark & Sons Logging, Everett, PA
  • 2003 Paul Egolf, Low Country Timber Company, Stockton, MD
  • 2002 Beckman Lumber, Mt. Lake Park, MD
  • 2001 Steve Brown, Lonngridge, LLC , Fruitland, MD
  • 2000 Clyde "Stevie" Stevenson, Ota Stevenson, Inc., Salisbury, MD**
  • 1999 Calvin Dolan, Jr., Dolan Logging, Oldtown, MD
  • 1998 Phil MacDonald, Timber Harvest, Inc., Cordova, MD
  • 1997 David Earl Opel, Double D Logging, Frostburg, MD
  • 1996 Payne's Logging, Inc., Delmar, MD
  • 1995 Arthur Egolf, Egolf Forest Harvesting, Delmar, DE
  • 1994 Jim Lynch, L&W Harvesting, Inc., Mardella Springs, MD
  • 1993 Fred Glasglow, Glasglow Logging, Salisbury, MD
  • 1992 Richard R. Brown, Salisbury, MD
  • 1991 Greg VanMeter, VanMeter pulpwood Company, Bushwood, MD
  • 1990 Eddie Moore, Willards, MD
  • 1989 D&J Timber, Swanton, MD
  • 1988 C.W. Matthews & Sons, Laurel, DE
  • 1987 Wallace Johnson, Mechanicsville, MD**

**These loggers have gone on to win the Forest Resources Association's
Regional Outstanding Logger of the Year Awards.
Wallace Johnson for the Appalachian Technical Division in 1988

"Stevie" Stevenson for the Southeastern Technical Division in 2001
Cessna Brothers Logging for the Appalachian Technical Division in 2006

MFA moves Hunting Lease Liability Program to new underwriter

Outdoor Underwriters Endorsed by MFA's Board of Governors

Over the past year there have been some changes within the Davis-Garvin Agency and their coverage for MFA Hunting Lease Liability Insurance Program. . As a result of these changes, MFA's Board of Governors reviewed the program and its coverage and looked at alternatives.

As a result of that review, the Board voted to endorse our Hunting Lease Liability Insurance Program through Outdoor Underwriters, Inc. which is also located in Columbia, South Carolina. (

The program, through Outdoor Underwriters, written through Lloyds of London, will have the same benefits as the MFA Hunting Lease Liability Insurance Program which you have used in the past. In addition, the minimum premium is lower ($150 vs $175) which we felt was important as many of you have smaller parcels that you are covering, and the per acre rate is also lower ( .17 vs .19) Listing the landowner as an Additional insured@ will remain at $26 / landowner.

Another benefit of moving to endorse MFA Hunting Lease Liability Insurance Program through Outdoor Underwriters is that they are partnering with the American Tree Farm System and there is also the potential for other programs to be developed for MFA to endorse to our members, such as:
  • Prescribed Burning Liability
  • Consulting Foresters Liability
  • Standing Timber Insurance

For established members, your renewal process will remain the same. You will receive a renewal notice from Outdoor Underwriters. (Disregard any notices from Davis-Garvin).
Two separate checks will need to be written ~ one for the premium, payable to Outdoor Underwriters; and a second for the hunt club and forest landowner dues ($80 and $50) , payable to the Maryland Forests Association.

Both checks plus the completed form will be sent first to the MFA office in Grantsville where they will be processed and forwarded on to Outdoor Underwriters.

We believe you will be pleased with these changes. Moving MFA Hunting Lease Liability Insurance Program to Outdoor Underwriters allows us to lower costs for you and to continue to work with those agents that first brought the program to you more than 10 years ago.

If you have any questions, please contact the MFA office at 301-895-5369.