Upcoming Webinar: Understanding Landowner Liability and Recreational Access

September 10, 2009—12:00 to 1:00 p.m.

Registration Required

Many landowners are confused about their liability for hunters and other recreationalists that use their property. Concerned private landowners increasingly face questions such as:

  • What are my rights, and how do I exercise them to control recreational use of my property?
  • What is the extent of my liability to recreationalists, and how can I protect myself against liability suits?
  • What are my options for posting my land and controlling trespass by recreationalists?
  • How do these options affect my liability?
  • How do I charge for recreational access and still provide liability protection?
  • What do I do if someone takes timber from my property without permission?

The answers to these questions can be complicated. However, it is very helpful for landowners to understand the laws related to landowner liability and trespass, and the safeguards that minimize liability so you can make informed decisions regarding the use of your land by others for recreational activities.

This one hour webinar being offered free of charge at 12 noon on September 10 will explain the Maryland Annotated Code in a way that you can understand and apply it to common situations faced by landowner and recreationalists. The intention is to suggest easy and (usually) inexpensive methods by which landowners can protect themselves. The speaker for the webinar is Jonathan Kays, Natural Resources Specialist with the University of Maryland Extension. He is the author of recently revised publication entitled, Recreational Access and Landowner Liability, (Bulletin EB357). The 37-page publication will provide a valuable reference for those attending the webinar or for those that just want to read on their own. It is available free for download at http://extension.umd.edu/publications/PDFs/EB357.pdf.

There is no charge for participation, but registration is required. An Email communication with webinar details (website address) will only be sent to people who have registered. Connection details are sent about two days before the webinar. You can register up until about 2 hours before the conference begins. To register for the webinar, contact Pam Thomas at pthomas@umd.edu or 301-432-2767 x315.

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