Educational Opportunities

As the warm weather season approaches, forestry events around Maryland are on the rise! Since so many good educational opportunities are scheduled, we thought it was important to share events with you directly through this communication. Events can also be found on the Forest Stewardship Education website at:

Below is a list of events by date. If available, a website or document link for each event has been provided, leading you to more information and instructions for registration.

April 24, 2010, 8:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Take Charge of Your Legacy - A Workshop for Maryland Woodland Owners:

Discover what opportunities and resources exist to help you care for your land. You will also learn about various techniques and practices to improve your woodland’s health while addressing some of its greatest threats. Brochure and registration form:

May 5, 2010; 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Forest Stewardship Education Live Webinar Series - Evaluating and Choosing
a Natural Resource-Based Enterprise:
Based on the publication, Forest Landowner's Guide to Evaluating and Choosing a Natural Resource-Based Enterprise, this webinar will introduce ideas and resources that will lead potential business owners through an evaluation process to better their chances of launching a successful natural resource-based business. Registration required. Contact Pam
Thomas at 301-432-2767 x315 or

May 8, 2010; 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Delmarva Forestry Seminar: Woodland Management in a Changing Landscape:
Invasive species cause environmental damages and losses of up to $120 billion per year nationally. Locally, species like Japanese stilt grass crowd out the natural forest understory, robbing native species of crucial food and cover sources. What can you do to understand and stem the invasion on your land? Experts will explain the history of this landscape change and advise woodland owners in invasive species management at this seminar. Attend classroom sessions in the morning and see examples on the ground in the afternoon.
Postcard and Registration Form:

May 11, 18 and 25
Neighborhood Green Training:
Learn how to design a sustainable and environmentally friendly landscape for your property and acquire the tools necessary to make your vision a reality. More details and registration form:

May 12 and 19; 6:30 .m. to 9:00 p.m.
Woods in Your Backyard – Learning to create and enhance the natural areas
around your home:
Owners of even just a few acres can make a positive difference in their environment through planning and implementing simple stewardship practices. Each workshop is two sessions one week apart. The time between is for the purpose of applying lessons. The sessions are designed to go over the manual and provide guidance on how to use the resources.
Brochure and registration form:

May 22, 2010; 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Field Day - Renewable Energy Applications for the Home & Business:
Come join neighbors, friends, farmers and local businesses to enjoy a fun and educational day atop Warrior Mountain. There will be demonstrations of several viable and operational renewable energy systems including: small wind, solar thermal and wood gasification. This is a great opportunity to get answers to your questions and gather insights into possibilities and
limitations for your own applications.
More information and registration instructions:

July 25 – 31, 2010
Natural Resources Careers Conference (an opportunity for high school youth)

Contact me if you have any questions.
Ellen Green
Forestry Extension Assistant, University of Maryland Extension 301-432-2767 x307

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