Action Alert: House Could Vote on Estate Tax in Two Weeks!

Ask Your Representatives to Cosponsor HR 3524--A working woodlands estate tax bill

Dear Family Woodland Advocate,
The U.S. House of Representatives could vote on the estate tax as early as October 26th. Please call or write your Representatives TODAY, asking them to support HR 3524, the Family Farm Preservation and Conservation Estate Tax Act-to improve the estate tax for working woodlands.

Click "take action" above -it will only take a few minutes of your time! HR 3524 will give family woodlands owners options, so they do not have to sell their land or unsustainably harvest their timber to pay the estate tax. The bill exempts working woodlands from the estate tax if the land is passed on to heirs and corrects flaws in current estate tax law that limit woodland owner participation in special estate tax exemptions for working lands. HR 3524 currently has 27 cosponsors. We need to significantly increase the number of cosponsors on this legislation to show the Ways and Means Committee and House leadership that this bill should be included in the larger estate tax bill that could be considered by the full House in 2 weeks!

Final details of the larger estate tax bill that the House will consider have yet to be finalized. It's likely that the bill will include an extension of the current (2009) estate tax rates, which allows for a $3.5 million exemption from the tax and a tax rate of 45% for estates. Whether the extension will apply to only one year or multiple years, is still uncertain.

Click here for talking points or enter your zip code below and click "take action" to be directed to a sample letter you can edit with your story. Be sure to check if your Representative is already a cosponsor (for info click here). If they are a cosponsor, you'll be directed to a thank you letter.

Please contact your Representatives today, and let us know if you receive any feedback. It is critical that we show strong support for this legislation over the next 2 weeks!
Thank you for your support!
Rita Neznek
Vice President, Public Affairs
American Forest Foundation

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