Upcoming Forest Stewardship Education Program webinars

The University of Maryland Extension, Forest Stewardship Education Program, announces the following webinars being offered in February, 2011:

February 15, 2011; 12:00 to 1:00 p.m., EST

Emerging and Current Forest Threats in Maryland

This webinar will focus on emerging and current forest threats in Maryland with a special focus on Thousand Cankers Disease and Emerald Ash Borer.  For each of these threats, damage and identification will be discussed as well as what action should be taken if you suspect a forest threat in your woodland.

This webinar will be presented by the following University of Maryland Extension Educators and Specialists:

·         Nevin Dawson, Forestry Stewardship Educator
·         Stanton Gill, Regional Extension Specialist, Nursery & Greenhouse Management
·         Karen Rane, Director of Plant Clinic & Extension Specialist
There is no charge for participation, but registration is required.  Use the link below to register online.  Webinar details and access will be emailed at a later date.  A recording will be available shortly after the webinar takes place.

February 23, 2011; 12:00 to 1:00 p.m., EST and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., EST.

Options for Converting Lawn to Natural Areas
From the Publication, The Woods in Your Backyard

Stop mowing!  Enjoy the benefits of converting lawn to a natural area.  By establishing or enlarging a natural area on your property, you can improve wildlife habitat and water quality, reduce noise and air pollution, and create a place to enjoy the outdoors.  Spring is around the corner and now is the time to begin planning a natural area on your land.

This webinar will be presented by Jonathan Kays, Natural Resource Extension Specialist and author of the publication, The Woods in Your Backyard: Learning to Create and Enhance Natural Areas Around Your Home.  For more information on this publication and educational program go to www.naturalresources.umd.edu/EducationalWBY.html 

There is no charge for participation, but registration is required.  Use the links below to register online.  Webinar details and access will be emailed at a later date.  A recording will be available shortly after the webinar takes place.
Register online:

If you have any problems registering for these webinars, contact Pam Thomas at 301-432-2767 x315 or pthomas@umd.edu.

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